On a perilous adventure, Captain Horatio Bumblefingers and crew lose their way and grow ever more paranoid over tales of sea monsters. What are those gigantic shadows below the waves, above the waves, everywhere? Who is making those strange sounds?
Presented by the crazy team at Heapsgood Productions, Shipwrecked! is an hilarious and life affirming adventure filled with song, dance and a surprise heroine from the ocean’s depths!
Join us at the museum in the April school holidays for a fantastic adventure and fun for the whole family.
Performances are weekdays at 11am and 1pm – Monday 16 to Friday 27 April 2018 (excluding ANZAC Day – Wednesday 25 April 2018).
Watch the performance, explore the museum, climb the lighthouse and take the trail through the exhibition Leviathan: the Astonishing History of Whales!
Great value at just $6 per child, bookings are not required.