Adelaide Fringe: HOMER’S ODYSSEY – A mini musical

SEE IT! Now in its 6th year!

Odysseus is an old man living in Ithaca. He sings and tells the stories of Helen of Troy, Cyclops, Suitors, Lotus Eaters, Sirens, his beloved Penelope, and more.
Too many ★★★★★ to mention. “Terrific story-telling talents” Tony Knight, Stage Whispers. ‘A vivid raconteur” The Age. “Loucas Loizou has passion” THE ADVERTISER.

Literature’s most enduring narrative, the Odyssey topped the list by experts around the world.

Loucas Loizou was born in Cyprus to Greek parents. He studied classical guitar and Pianoforte with the London’s Trinity College of Music. He studied theatre directing with NIDA in Sydney and Film with the Radio and the Film school in Sydney. He worked with the BBC in London and with the CyBC TV in Cyprus. He appeared in numerous TV and radio programs including the ABC.

Dates: Saturday 24 February & Sunday 3 March

Time: 3.00pm

Duration: 60 min

Full price: $25.00
Concession: $20.00
BankSA Cardholder: $18.75
Family: $60.00
Child: $10.00
Schools: $10.00
Companion Card Accepted

Book now via the Adelaide Fringe website

Don't miss out!